64 Middle Road
MA 02743
Tel: (508) 998-0240
Fax: (508) 998-0201
In Case Of Emergency Dial 9-1-1
Police Detail Program
The Police Detail Program permits a business, organization or person to obtain the services of off-duty police officers, through the Police Department, for assignments at events or work requiring traffic control, crowd control or security.
Requests for the assignment of officers are separated into three categories:
Town of Acushnet details are those requested by other Town of Acushnet departments or where an event is being worked exclusively by Town employees or is sponsored by Town departments.
Police Private Detail requests that have been specifically exempted from the prepayment of fees and may have their requests handled over the telephone by dispatchers at the Acushnet Communications Department. At this time, only licensed public utility companies and some pre-approved businesses are exempt from the prepayment requirement.
All others must complete the form (link at the bottom of the page) in order to request the assignment of Police Private Detail Officers and must pay in advance by check or money order for all detail work, without exception before the request will be filled.
Upon completing the printable form or the form available at the Acushnet Police Department, the requester must bring it to the Police Department located at 64 Middle Road, Acushnet, along with a check or money order for the appropriate payment. These details are handled during normal business hours only (8:00 am - 4:00 pm). Upon approval of the Chief or his designee, the Police Department will authorize the assignment of police personnel. No other Town office or department may accept payment or issue authorization to fill these details. No work or event requiring a Police Private Detail Officer will be permitted to commence prior to the assignment of the officer.
The rate for Police Private Details is $45.00 per hour, plus a 10% Administrative Fee. Detail assignments are for a minimum of four hours and any detail request not cancelled at least one hour in advance, will be required to pay a minimum of three hours for each detail. Details are billed in half hour increments and the half hour is assessed for work that lasts 5 minutes beyond the hour and half hour. For each detail where an officer is required to be on site over five hours; a minimum of eight hours will be charged.
In the event a police cruiser is also required, or is determined to be necessary by the Chief of Police for the safety of the assigned officer or others, the rate for the cruiser shall be $10.00 per hour. A $5.00 per hour Officer-in-Charge (OIC) fee will be assessed for details where 3 or more officers are required.