64 Middle Road
MA 02743
Tel: (508) 998-0240
Fax: (508) 998-0201
In Case Of Emergency Dial 9-1-1
Records Access Officer For The Acushnet Police Department
The following person has been designated as the Records Access Officer for the Acushnet Police Department pursuant to the Public Records Law.
All Public Records requests should be directed to this person using the contact information provided below. Public Records may be made in-person, via telephone, mail or electronic mail.
General Records and Police Reports
Public Records Requests: Public Records requests may be made in person, mailed to the address above or emailed to snocon@acushnet.ma.us Although not required, requests for public records should be submitted in writing in order to ensure that the Office accurately and completely responds to your request. A request for public records should include a reasonable description of specific records being requested. Under some circumstances the Office may assess a reasonable fee for the production of public records. Mail requests should include a stamped, self addressed envelope.
The Records Office is located in dispatch at the Police Station and is open Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Types of Reports:
Accident Reconstruction: These reports are reconstructions of accidents involving serious injuries or fatalities. These reports can takeover a month to complete.
Accident Reconstruction Photographs: These are photographs of the accident scene taken by a department photograph as part of the reconstruction. They are not included with the Accident Reconstruction Report.
Accident Report: This will be the police officer’s report of a motor vehicle accident where the aggregate damage was over $1000 or there was personal injury. These reports are usually available 7 to 10 business days after the accident.
Blotter Item: This is a printed copy of the dispatch record for the call for service. It contains minimal information about the incident and will be the only record when a police report is not generated or required for the incident. It is often requested for insurance claims. These are usually available the same day of the incident.
Incident Report: This is an official report completed by the police about an incident. For an arrest, it is completed the same day. For other incidents, it may be 7 to 10 days before the report is completed.
Supplemental Report: A supplemental report is a follow up report usually completed by the Detective Division as part of the investigation. These reports may not be completed for several weeks after the incident.
Suzanne Nocon
EMD Dispatch Manager
64 Middle Road, Acushnet, MA 02743
(508) 998-0240
(508) 998-0201